Dynamic Core Yoga

Core yoga is derived from the ancient classical style of Hatha yoga. The movements are choreographed into dynamic transitions from one asana to the next to create a seamless flow. The emphasis is on Core Stability, simultaneously challenging the bigger muscles to develop their endurance capacity.




Pilates like Yoga, also uses a holistic approach to fitness. The sessions here teach you all about body alignment and posture with a progression of exercises carried out slowly and with concentration. One can either join the Mat sessions or can enroll for sessions done on specialized equipments like the Reformer, Cadillac, the Stability Chair etc. The sessions may also use a wide variety of props like Stability Ball, Bosu Ball, Core Discs, Sliding Discs, Rollers etc.


Functional Training

Functional training brings the focus once again on Core muscle strengthening but adding in a Cardio Element by using TRX cables, Kettle Bells, Dumbbells etc. The high intensity sessions are open to all members who have a background in Pilates. Functional Training treats and develops the entire body as a unit without isolating specific muscle groups. It is a holistic approach to fitness.


  • Park Hyatt Chennai,
    No.39, Velachery Road, Guindy,
    Chennai - 600 032.
    Tamil Nadu, India.
  • +91 44 223 003 40 / 6374 7911 69
  • contact@leapwellness.com